Reclaim Your Smile with Dental Implants

If you are missing teeth, dental implants can be a great solution. Implants look and feel natural, and they allow you to eat and speak normally. They also help to keep your jawbone healthy.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are titanium posts that are placed in your jawbone where teeth are missing. They act as anchors for artificial teeth, or crowns. The implant post fuses with the jawbone over time, making the implant permanent.

reclaim your smile with dental implants

The first step in getting this procedure is to meet with us to see if they are right for you. If you are a good candidate for implants, we will take X-rays and impressions of your teeth, and determine how many implants you need and where they should be placed.

Once it is determined that you’re a good candidate, the next step is to have surgery to place the implant posts in your jawbone. After placement of the implant post, it takes several weeks or months for them to fuse with your jawbone before artificial teeth can be attached.

After healing from surgery, small metal abutments are placed on top of the implant post. These abutments will protrude from the gum line and act as anchors for dental crowns, or artificial teeth. Impressions are taken of your teeth, and these impressions are used to make your dental crowns.

The crowns are then attached to the abutment, completing the dental implant process. Dental implants look natural and can give you back your smile.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

  • Osseointegration (direct, rigid attachment of the implant to the bone without any intervening tissue) is a scientific cornerstone of dental implants. This process allows for the implant to become firmly rooted in place with little to no discomfort. Implants can restore your ability to chew and speak properly. They’re also less likely to fracture or dislocate, making them a great option for people who have chronic jaw issues or injuries.
  • Additionally, dental implants are a long-term treatment with a success rate of up to 98%. That means that, provided the implant is placed correctly, there is a good chance it will last for years to come.
  • Getting implants doesn’t require removable appliances or dentures. So you won’t have any extra devices interfering with your mouth’s natural functions.

Find Out How Dental Implants Can Restore Your Smile Today

Dental implants provide natural-looking teeth and can improve oral health complications such as jawbone loss, gum disease, or tooth decay. They also help promote natural oral hygiene by allowing you to floss more easily. Dental implants are long-lasting and can last a lifetime with proper care. Research suggests that they can be a good alternative to dentures or other tooth replacement options for people missing teeth. Contact Holmes Dental P.C to schedule your appointment today!

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