If you, a child, sibling or spouse are preparing to have a tooth extraction, you will probably want to know what foods to eat and what foods to avoid for a few days. You may have already surmised that soft foods are a good choice, such as:

Smoothies: Mixing fresh fruit such as bananas, peaches and raspberries can provide a soft and nutritious treat for your healing mouth and body. Add yogurt or kefir in a blender to provide your teeth with calcium and probiotics and even a little protein. For an additional feeling of fullness, you’ll want to add some protein powder. The low pH level of the yogurt, kefir, or powder will help the fruit to be less acidic so that it is less likely to irritate the extraction site or your tooth enamel.

Ice Cream: Ice cream or frozen yogurt is a striking choice, and since this may be the only time that Dr. Nicole Holmes recommends that you eat something so sweet, you may want to take advantage of this opportunity. It is of course, rather soft, and unless your teeth are particularly sensitive, the temperature of this food may even help diminish and appease inflammation. Avoid any crunchy mix-ins or using an ice cream cone, as these can have the opposite effect on the extraction site.

Eggs: Scrambled, over easy, or sunny side up eggs are a great way to get some satisfying protein into your diet without the tough wear and tear of meat. Hard-boiled or poached eggs might be a bit too rough on your gums the first day or two.

Stay away from spicy, crunchy and acidic foods. These can irritate your mouth. Please do not drink your smoothies or liquids with a straw, as the sucking motion can increase your chance of contracting dry socket, a condition wherein the blood clot over the extraction site is loosened, resulting in bleeding and extreme sensitivity.

Do you have any questions or concerns? Please phone Holmes Dental in Fort Collins, Colorado at 970-221-2499. Dr. Nicole Holmes and our expert staff would love to help you have a successful extraction and recovery.

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